Sosban fach yn berwi ar y tân.


Well, rules is rules and the great and honourable Mark Dickhead said that trips to the bank were “legitimate journeys” during tier 4 incarceration. 

A nods as good as a wink to a blind beggar, so me, Mrs, Not quite black dog and our car of colour  headed for the metropolis of Haverfordwest. Off we went, Nationwide card stuck firmly on the dashboard to disperse marauding plod.

We parked (2 hours free) in Morrison’s and ambled the river walk to the remnants of the town centre. Gone the cattle market,  gone Ockey Whites department store. Gone the cinema, Woolies, Jessops to name but a fraction of long-gone once familiar names. Butchers? Nope. Bakers? Nope (unless you include Greggs) Candle-stick makers? Not a chance.

Now I do agree that Covid hasn’t done the high streets a lot of good. Likewise Brexit. I also agree that a high proportion of the blame must lie with greedy Councils but the biggest cause of their demise is shops selling crap. 

Forget lack of parking and lack of toilets. Blame lack of quality. Most goods are produced by people who live on a bowl of rice a day. You’ve got more chance of seeing a “made in Sheffield” sign in a charity shop. 

Covid has created lack of footfall only. Shops were already boarded up and ones that were open are now closed. People have stopped shopping in towns because towns don’t sell what they want.

Then the internet does.  At least there’s a chance of finding a “Made in England” badge. At least, we thought so. Even that is becoming more difficult. Julia trolling through in search of a new Wool duvet found one. New Zealand wool, made in China and half the price of the Welsh Wool, made in Hereford equivalent.  Half price and it’s already been around the world.

But then, this is Wales and we do have the finest rugby team in the world. Come on boys. This is the big one.
