Maximus and Mud Flats


After repeated requests, I decided to join Julia and Max on their early morning walk. Julia calls it daybreak or sunrise, Max calls it walkies, I call it the middle of the night!

I glared a sleepy eye out of the bedroom window. Grey but no rain so I clamped on my telephoto lens, thought about my ISO values, grabbed my coat and prepared for the promised feast of “waders and feeders” in abundance that I was due to encounter. One path, two fields later and there we were on the river banks.

Not a bird, not a squawk, not a ruffled feather. They just didn’t materialise. 

I did find the old boat, a waterfall, a couple of derelict cottages and a stupid dog that thinks smelly, stinky river mud is the best thing since sliced Bonios, so I changed back to my much loved 50mm and took a few pictures. Mainly dull and dreary ones but who knows? There might be a nice one amongst them!

Almost home and twenty yards away from us a huge buzzard landed in front of me. Wrong light, wrong lens and wrong timing. As I tried to change lenses, it flew up and sat on a fence post staring straight at me. It looked like an old wise owl that was having a bad day.

An “Angry-Olly” that needed food. Max thought it was preparing for attack so set off barking at it and that was that. 🎶bye bye buzzard, buzzard  bye bye🎶 Bye bye prize winning photo!

Oh well, there’s always tomorrow!
