The silicon chip inside her head Gets switched to overload.


Pretty bloody sad when you have to spend two hours sitting in the garden of your £14million mansion in your £4,500 frock with seagull shit all over the shoulder telling the world how depressed and close to suicide you are.

Pretty bloody sad to have to tell the world that you don’t like your in-laws, especially the racist ones.

Pretty bloody sad to moan that you think your son should be a prince but isn’t.

Well, that’s my take on it and I wonder what the rest of the world think. Spoilt brat? Forget “bame” “woke” and all that. Read “spoilt little rich bitch” into it instead. 

Now it transpires that us “honkey-white trash” should be referred to as “Non-Black” and accept it. Well, bollocks! I’m white and proud of it. Just as people who are black, yellow, beige and everything else should be proud of their heritage.

If only these “Woke Warriors” realised how much damage they are actually doing to race relations.

Good old Piers. You just about nailed it. Now the little drama Queen has spat even more toys out of her pram. She would have got more respect from me if she’d gone on the Jezza show.

Enough of the politics Philip. Let’s talk about something more cheerful like Covid. I’ve now completely lost the plot. Welsh rules, English rules and Scottish rules all differ to the point of confusion. I am blessed knowing that the new “Stay Local” rules mean that I can just about get out of my depth in the Bristol Channel off the Pembrokeshire coast and drown. 

Even better news. Alun Wyn Jones and his fourteen plus have arrived in Rome for today’s match. Italy! Should be a good game as long as we win otherwise it’ll be crap! And the Grand Slam on the horizon. Fingers crossed. Come-on Wales!

Long walks from home and a couple of walks  “bending” the rules. Well, we had to go to the PO and our local bank so it got us out a bit. Me, wife, dog and camera. It was three weeks yesterday that I had jab #1 but I do realise that safety is still important. Isn’t it always in this “super-safe” world. I can remember the days when you got undressed to have sex. Now, in this Health and Safety ruled world, by the time you’ve rolled on a condom, put your face mask on, laced up your toe-tectors, shrugged into your vis-vest and clipped your hard hat on, you’ve gone off the boil. Boil? Perhaps only tepid to start with at my age.

As you can probably tell, I woke (no pun) in a bad mood! Never mind, at least a seagull hasn’t shat all over my £9.99 Chinese fleece. Yet!
